“Our Wicklow Women” Exhibition in Greystones

The exhibition “Our Women of Wicklow", which also features Lucinda Sullivan, will come to Greystones library in August.The launch will be on Thursday, 1st August 2019 at 7pm. It is a free event. All are welcome to the wine reception. There will be a short...

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Wicklow Times Article about Garden Opening

The Wicklow Times published an article about the Garden opening in Marino School on 19th April, 2019. You can read a pdf version of the article via this link: Wicklow Times Apr19.To read more about the school and the garden please check our Projects...

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Official Opening Sensory Garden Marino School

Members of the Trust where invited to the opening of a sensory garden in Marino School in Bray, which took place on 3rd April 2019. The garden was officially opened by Diarmuid Gavin who can be seen in the picture alongside Rosalie Chooi and Delwen Giles...

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Our Wicklow Women Exhibition on Tour

The exhibition "Our Women of Wicklow" is now on tour. It is currently shown in Arklow library.After this it will travel to Baltinglass, Blessington and Greystones.Have a look out for the exhibition when you visit one of the libraries.

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Two new Grant Partner

The trust are pleased to soon be able to add two more partner as their Grant recipients. Please keep an eye on our website for the announcement.

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Women of Wicklow Exhibition

In commemoration of the Representation of People Act of 1918 (allowing women to vote for the first time), Our Wicklow Heritage is celebrating "Our Wicklow Women".Our Wicklow Heritage is a community history archive of County Wicklow.The Trust is delighted...

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RMS Leinster – Gerald Palmer

October 10th 2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Royal Mail Ship RMS Leinster by German submarine UB-123 near the Kish Bank just outside Dublin Bay, with the tragic loss of 569 passengers and crew, while en route from Dún Laoghaire...

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